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November 25, 2005

Post Turkey Day

Don't think I'll do much writing today. I tried, but my brain is just mush from all the eating and merry-making last night in celebration of dead turkeys everywhere. I found it very annoying this morning, at 5:45, when I couldn't get the wheels turning. Felt alien, this non-productivity. I resented not having my muse sitting, waiting, when I called for her. Fine!

I did spend an hour or two this morning, sitting in the sun and sketching out Karl's latest sculpture. Intricate steel piece that works on two levels, depending how close you get to it. First sign of the road that leads to the rest of the quest.

Thought a bit more and made notes on the Four-book arc, which I fill in more and more as I think of it. Sketched and made notes on the location of a particularly important mountain-peak-which-is-a-valley-at-the-same-time. Spent some time thinking about the next chapter, but I think I'm just tired, because I couldn't really make my brain click in that direction for too long. Think I need to rest and take it easy, keep the thoughts simmering on the back burner.

These days, I'm thinking on the book all the time. Even when I'm watching movies or reading books. There is a part of my mind always working on the story. It interrupts every now and then when it figures something out. Shouts for a pen.

joaquín ramón herrera writes for children, adults, and other humans found elsewhere in the continuum of development. He is also an illustrator, musician, and surprise protagonist. If you have found his glasses, wallet, or keys, please contact him here.

(neuralpermalink established at 12:18)