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December 4, 2005

Horris' Scary History of Dinosaurs - Cover in Progress

I HAD TO TAKE A BREAK this weekend from writing. Plus, there were people in the house, and I need to be alone to write. Art, however, I can be thumping my feet to music, and talking to others. So I used the opportunity to work on the cover to one of the two upcoming (non-fiction) books starring Horris, from SCARY: A Book of Horrible Things for Kids. This cover was for Horris' SCARY History of Dinosaurs. I am not done, but I worked on it for half of Saturday, and most of today.

It is far more colorful, but I have desaturated it for the thumbnail image.

Tomorrow is the author/illustrator holiday party in nyc that I thought was the other night. I feel better about taking the trip now that I had time to spend working on some stuff. I hate when a day goes by that I don't get to spend some time on these books.

Which makes me smile. It's great to be doing what I love so much. I work very hard when that's what I'm doing for a living. After all, if I were washing dishes, or laying sod, or roofing (all of which I have done), I would be in my head all day, dreaming of when I could come home and work on creative things. When this is the work I do, there is never a time I long to be doing something else. It's actually amazing how much time can go by when I'm working on one of the books. I found myself feeling weak, earlier, and had to eat immediately. (Please don't email me, mom. I ate, don't worry.)

I'm sort of tired, now. I think I'm done for the day. Up early and back on the manuscript tomorrow morning. On page 197, now. Gotta bump it over that 200 mark. I want to wrap that up, so I can move onto the illustrations for that book, as well as the research for the next.

joaquín ramón herrera writes for children, adults, and other humans found elsewhere in the continuum of development. He is also an illustrator, musician, and surprise protagonist. If you have found his glasses, wallet, or keys, please contact him here.

(neuralpermalink established at 15:24)