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November 11, 2005

In a House With Green Glass

Look! Eli is wandering about in Horris' place. And I cannot say more!

Feels like a good day. I hope to get a good amount written today, and over the weekend, as well.

I won't feel comfortable unless I can finish the manuscript on time, as well as have a chance to make two passes, at least, for edits. After that, I'll hand it to my editor, and we'll work out the rest. But meanwhile, I need to make good progress. And lucky me, the muse is cooperating. So far. Now, I'm off to write for as long as I can until someone interrupts me. Which may very well be the radio station, calling for the last interview for a while. And if it weren't to help SCARY, I wouldn't even answer it!

Now, I'm off.

joaquín ramón herrera writes for children, adults, and other humans found elsewhere in the continuum of development. He is also an illustrator, musician, and surprise protagonist. If you have found his glasses, wallet, or keys, please contact him here.

(neuralpermalink established at 10:15)