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November 17, 2005

Queen Mazgura and Her Wells of Dark Honey

Did a LOT of writing yesterday on backstory. On the portal between worlds, and on each character in the story, often pages on each one. I feel the plot and the theme of the story really beginning to work on each other; I have come to a place in the book where I need to be sure about many things, and that is why I turned to character study and backstory. Another thing that my time in Film School really taught me, and taught me well: What happens before the scene, after the scene, and outside the scene is crucial to every little thing that happens in the scene. Backstory, make those characters live for 30 minutes before you even call "Action." Enter the scene alive, with dirt on your fingers, breathing hard.

So while the 20 pages or so I wrote did not move the story forward, really, they did round it out and support it, much as a skeleton (or exoskeleton) might. It's always more satisfying, or seems so, to move forward toward your page count goal. But I'd rather move forward with clear purpose. If you don't go to this trouble, you will only end up with holes in logic or unbelievable characters and motivations.

I still have a bit more backstory to work on this morning, and it will involve Melody and Mister Zee, who are up to no good. I have to think about exactly how Mister Zee found his way to _________ and how Melody helped him. I still have to think very hard about the Change, and how it happens.

joaquín ramón herrera writes for children, adults, and other humans found elsewhere in the continuum of development. He is also an illustrator, musician, and surprise protagonist. If you have found his glasses, wallet, or keys, please contact him here.

(neuralpermalink established at 07:22)