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December 10, 2005

Done with first draft of Book One

AND THAT'S IT, he said, pouring himself a tall one. Page 258, and we can type -THE END-. Damn. What a journey.

It's odd. At first, I was waiting to feel elated, and I realized I felt the same way I do as a reader, when I come to the end of a 250 page book. I felt sad, or a bit let down...I didn't want to let go of the world. I didn't want the story to be over. And I hope that's good! I do think it has a lot of editing that needs to happen. And I very much look forward to reading it over and doing my first couple edits. For me, a lot happens in the edit. A lot of very beautiful fine-tuning. And by "fine tuning" I don't mean adjusting the colors of clothing. I mean sewing together loose ends that go from being senseless threads to perfectly-synchronized events that feel as if they have been planned from the start. So the leaps and bounds that my stories can travel between first draft and third are notable. I do look forward to the manuscript's future iterations.

Please do not let that overshadow the joy I feel in finishing at all! Wow. I can't believe it's done. That's the longest piece I've ever written in my life. And quite a haul. I very much look forward to beginning the illustrations. Of course, at the same time, I must begin the research for for the second book in the non-fiction series. I have a bit of a busy schedule until at least February, although to be more realistic, until May, I think.

Okay. time to rest for a day. No work on Sunday, imagine that. That's right. Sunday is for video games, and then off to see the Narnia film. I have high expectations, so they better not let me down! Don't even mess with Narnia unless you are prepared to deliver. Those are the Greats.

Then, Monday, back on the book. First edit. Until then, goodnight.

joaquín ramón herrera writes for children, adults, and other humans found elsewhere in the continuum of development. He is also an illustrator, musician, and surprise protagonist. If you have found his glasses, wallet, or keys, please contact him here.

(neuralpermalink established at 18:06)