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December 13, 2005

First pass through Secret Vision

Long day. Edited/rewrote 35 pages. Thing is, now the manuscript is at 269 pages. I have a feeling this thing is going to grow a little by the time I'm done. Tired. But making many changes, and many good ones, I think. The first edit is so comforting, because that's where many lazy choices or "placeholders" for ideas are replaced with more thought-out, original, fleshed-out ideas and characters. I feel the book is already making a big jump up in coherence, as well as originality, and pacing. So much more to go. Early on it, tomorrow.

Danger ahead. Life threatening to get in the way of my writing again. May have a day or two ahead where I'll need to leave the book alone. Big things. Back on it next day. Will report, first collapse, gracias.

joaquín ramón herrera writes for children, adults, and other humans found elsewhere in the continuum of development. He is also an illustrator, musician, and surprise protagonist. If you have found his glasses, wallet, or keys, please contact him here.

(neuralpermalink established at 16:49)